Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obvious Improvement

Here's some classmates.

This is my art teacher's home. He's sitting next to me and his two daughter's are on either side. I think that's Samantha on his right and Cassie on my left.

Now his wife is sitting on his right and Cassie's got her Gundam flying around.

Today was my weekly "Chinese painting day". I worked it out so that Wednesdays I can just sit in one of the empty art rooms and paint all day. Lately, I've been perfecting my Chinese dragon. I've made five attempts and with each successive attempt I've made obvious improvent on the previous. The fifth on is the best one yet, although I've just started, so there's still time to screw it up.

My first attempt was big and cute, like the luck dragon from the Never Ending Story movie. Attempt two was something similar to a dragon, but all the important details were off, like the antlers were backwards and he was too fat. I think that was because I painted it from memory. Attempt three was better, but too big and the ink wasn't faded out very well. This is attempt four:

Still too big, but otherwise okay. The ink needs to fade more where parts of the dragon are hidden by clouds. This next one is attempt five, which I had to run over and show my teacher in the next room. I was pretty excited. My control of the brush has been improving with every painting and so that's one of the major reasons this one is so much better. The fading of the ink is really good with this one too.

Oh, that robot in the last post is the Gundam model I put together two days ago. Gundams are suits of robotic battle armor. Some of them transform into planes or starships. Mine's Gundam Throne Drei, which I don't know anything about. Some girl named Nena pilots the thing, but I just picked it cause it's red. I went with Cohen, my art teacher, today to a hobby shop and bought some paint pens so I can make the details stand out more. We were there for almost an hour looking through the model planes and figures. Question for Dad: What's the name of that plane that can take off and land vertically? It was at that one airshow we went to one or two years ago.

1 comment:

Sam said...

I think you're thinking of the Harrier. Wednesdays sound like fun. Enjoy the next month and a half or so, your bros are looking forward to seeing you!