Thursday, March 5, 2009

Rainy and Cold

So, I'm preparing for my move on Sunday and I have two bags of luggage and two boxes of things that I plan to send home with all haste. I decided to send home most of the clothing I brought with me because between my uniform and the nice things I bought to wear here, I'm set. Books and DVDs that I've already looked at also make up a majority of what went in the boxes, as well as some souvenir items and gifts. It cut the amount of stuff I have in half and I still feel pretty overwhelmed by what fit into my luggage.

Yesterday, I took a Japanese class. Just jumped in there and tried to get something out of it even though the other students were already talking about how to tell time. I'll have to hustle to catch up, but it would give me something to do. Anyway, the class was interesting and the teacher was fun, although, in typical Taiwanese language class style, there was a lot more Chinese flying around then Japanese, but I suppose it's a first year course so that's okay. I took their quiz and managed to put an answer for three questions before the time was up. Got a zero on it, but it was cool to be a part of the action and that just told me that there's nowhere to go but up.

I've been reading Alice in Wonderland lately. I remember wanting to read it since I was in third grade, but never finding the chance to pick it up. It's funny, I've been finding that whatever book I'm reading at a certain time seems to alter my thoughts on things for a little while until I change books. Where One Hundred Years of Solitude had me describing my own actions in my head as though I was writing my own story, Alice in Wonderland has me wondering at what point I fell down the rabbithole and how I'm supposed to get back.

The nearest upcoming adventure on the horizon is the class trip counter-clockwise around the island. I suppose my birthday is also fast-approaching, and as always, I have few ideas as to what I should be gifted with (although, I'm leaning towards a set of the traditional chinese office supplies). March 18th will see me at an elementary school on a Rotary outing. I'm not quite sure of the itinerary just yet.

I can feel the year wrapping up for me here and I'm a little dissapointed because, as always, things are suddenly working out the moment it's time for me to go. I'll enjoy it while it lasts though.

1 comment:

Isaac Whorl said...

It was sunny and in the 70's today, I went for a bike ride. Unfortunately I decided to go through the park, whos roads were about 1-2 inches of mud.