Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March Fourth

It's one of those genuinely beautiful day's in Taipei today. The kind where one steps out the door with annoyance at trollish people that soon dissipates in the pure light of the sun and the crisp air that seems almost unreasonably clean for the center of a bustling city.
I finished One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez today, between lunch and naptime. Reading that book was truly the passing of a hundred years.

I'm told that my move to my third and final family will take place this Sunday and I am both relieved and burdened by the plans. On one hand, the move marks the final stretch of the exchange experience and also another instance of long-awaited change. However the other hand holds the fear of, perhaps, less attractive circumstances.

Although my only complaint in my current home is the endless string of matronly mumblings issued from the mouth of the trollish housekeeper, it's true that I have been granted a great deal of privelidge by my current host parents, freedom that my first mom was wary to lend me in my Taiwanese "infancy". The trend that both me and my fellow exchange people have found is that parents who have raised their children beyond our own age (20->) have been less inclined to restrict exploration and encourage fruitless study.
So, my hope is that the following family will understand.

Enjoy the day, wherever, and whatever the weather may be.

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