Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A 180 Kickflip, if I could skate.

Yesterday, I went to the movies with my friend Leo from SSSH. I had some free tickets, so it wasn't very expensive. We saw Madagascar 2 and I laughed and tried really hard to cry, but I just sort of "welled up" instead, which isn't very fun.

After that, we took the MRT to meet up with Renaat and some exchange students from the other Taipei district. It seems like they all have misplaced priorities, and I guess I've experienced that as well at times, but their misplaced priorities cause them to run out of money and resort to less than savory methods of getting around the city.

At some point, we were at a Pizza Hut with these people and the guy from Berlin started making a mess, so I turned to Leo and we paid for our drinks and headed for Taipei 101 where my oldest sister was celebrating her birthday at Diamond Tony's Italian Restaurant Since 1988 (it said that at the top of all their plates). It was probably the most uplifting meal I've had in a long time.

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