Friday, September 12, 2008

A Few Notes

This week I've discovered some interesting cultural details of the Taiwanese.

Regarding the culture of my high school, 松山高中:

Students are responsible for cleaning the school, including hallways, bathrooms, and classrooms

Snacks can be bought between classes

Lunch is eaten in the classrooms or hallways

Teachers move to the students

It is these aspects, in my opinion, that allow studeents to take pride in their school and their education. By having to take care of the building and clean up their own messes, the students are more careful with things and don't leave so much trash everywhere.

Regarding the Moon Festival:

The general premise is that even though one may be far away from his family and friends he can look at the moon and think about how the people he is far from also have the same moon to look at.

Ways to celebrate include barbecues with friends and family (I'm going to one next weekend), parades (I heard one go by the other evening), and eating mooncake. I have good mooncake and I've had weird mooncake, so there are different recipes I guess.

The whole thing is very comforting to me because I am sort of far away from my family and good friends, but every day I grow more and more connected to this place. I'm finding that I know where things are, I know where to go, I know what tastes good and what to politely decline. I still don't understand everything, I realize I might not ever understand everything, but that does not hinder me quite as often as it has in the past.

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